b"Cordula GaisserBusiness Economics/Human ResourcesHOLDINGAMASTERDEGREEINBUSINESS, ADMINISTRATION AND MARKETING, CORDULA IS CURRENTLY CONTINUING TO WORK PART TIME TO PROVIDE SUPPORT TO OUR OFFICE. Cordula's focus is to gain experience in the realestatebusiness.ShestudiedBusiness and Administration in Madrid and Bath-UK. Shehasalreadyseveralexperiencesinthe fields of Communication, in Human Resources Management and Marketing. In our com-pany, she is able to develop her skills and learn more about customer service, personal sellingandtherealestateindustry.Inher free time, she loves to travel, do sports and plays the piano. 18Roman FirmanDeliveries & FittingsComingfrom theUkraine,heis withus for more than 15 years. He is our support in everything that concerns the mainte-nance and deliveries.With great responsibility he takes care of our customershomesandourcompanies.His deeptechnicalknowledge,makeshimanTeam spirit spurs me on. indispensable person. Roman speaks fluent Portuguese, Russian and also English. DuringIve always found it easier to be strong his free time he likes to be with his family and has great passion for his granddaughter. for other people than for myself.Cheryl ColePop Singer, * 1983"